Get involved in our listening campaign and share your views on what makes it harder for you and your community to thrive?

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The NHS in South East London is working alongside Citizens UK to find out what is putting pressure on people's health and wellbeing as part of the Anchor System programme.

Our health is closely linked to the environments we live in. We know that if you have issues with your housing, employment and income, or access to essential resources, these can all have an impact on your physical and mental health.

Alongside its work to provide essential health and care services, the NHS can also work to improve the social and economic conditions people live in, to help prevent illness and improve the lives of people living in South East London.

About the south east London listening campaign

Our listening campaign is now finished, we would like to thank you to everyone who was involved and supported us to hear from you and your community.

Over the last months (June – September 2023) we involved you and other people living in south east London representing our diverse communities to understand the pressures on you and your community.

“What puts pressure on you and your community’s ability to thrive?”

Who we listened to?
People in low paid and precarious work
Migrants and refugees, people with English as a second language
Young people
People with disabilities
LGBTQ+ community
Health and care staff
Carers and lone parents

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities

People directly experiencing injustice

We connected and listened to over 2,500 people across south east London using an extensive set of methods so that we could link up and hear from a diverse group of people. This enabled us to hear about the impact of a range of issues people are currently experiencing.

How we listened?

What we heard? - emerging themes from our listening campaign

Now that we have listened to over 2500 people across South East London, we know that the main issues affecting people’s ability to thrive are:

  • Housing
  • Migration and Race
  • Work, Wages, and Cost of Living
  • Mental Health and Social Isolation
  • Children, Young People, and Parents

South East London Citizens Community Health Assembly

The South East London Citizens Community Health Assembly took place on the evening of 15 November.

Over 350 south east Londoners came together with leaders from across the NHS and Local Authorities and committed to work together to reduce health inequalities and take action on the issues that affect people’s health and wellbeing. The evening offered the space to share stories that were heard during the listening campaign over the summer and to celebrate achievements and progress. Thank you to those of you who took part in the listening campaign exploring what stops you and your community from thriving.

NHS decision-makers, Anchor Alliance representatives and Local Authority Councillors agreed and signed a pledge board to work together for the wellbeing of all our communities in south east London. The audience also voiced that we all have a role to play to ensure everyone in south east London is able to thrive and everyone shone a light to show their commitment to the pledges. You can read full list of pledges here.

Read more - Community and NHS leaders pledge to tackle health inequalities

Next steps

Insight from the listening campaign was used to inform the pledges on how we can tackle these issues, reduce inequality, and help make South East London a healthier, fairer and more equitable place to live and work. In the next few months we will be working together with our partners and communities in south east London to develop actions and implement the plans to meet our commitments.

Anchor programme working on our commitments We secured funding from Health Education England to focus on co-designing solutions to overcome barriers that underrepresented communities are facing in finding good work within Anchor institutions. We partnered with seven voluntary sector organisations across south east London to support our efforts to reach underrepresented communities and work with them to identify solutions to be feed into programme pledge on reducing barriers to careers in anchor institutions.

  • Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
  • Bexley Deaf Centre
  • Bromley DeafPlus
  • Lewisham Speaking Up
  • Ladies Of Virtue Outreach CIC
  • Policy Centre for African Peoples
  • Bromley Third Sector Enterprise and Bromley Mencap

Insight, solutions and outcomes will be feedback here regularly.

The NHS in South East London is working alongside Citizens UK to find out what is putting pressure on people's health and wellbeing as part of the Anchor System programme.

Our health is closely linked to the environments we live in. We know that if you have issues with your housing, employment and income, or access to essential resources, these can all have an impact on your physical and mental health.

Alongside its work to provide essential health and care services, the NHS can also work to improve the social and economic conditions people live in, to help prevent illness and improve the lives of people living in South East London.

About the south east London listening campaign

Our listening campaign is now finished, we would like to thank you to everyone who was involved and supported us to hear from you and your community.

Over the last months (June – September 2023) we involved you and other people living in south east London representing our diverse communities to understand the pressures on you and your community.

“What puts pressure on you and your community’s ability to thrive?”

Who we listened to?
People in low paid and precarious work
Migrants and refugees, people with English as a second language
Young people
People with disabilities
LGBTQ+ community
Health and care staff
Carers and lone parents

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities

People directly experiencing injustice

We connected and listened to over 2,500 people across south east London using an extensive set of methods so that we could link up and hear from a diverse group of people. This enabled us to hear about the impact of a range of issues people are currently experiencing.

How we listened?

What we heard? - emerging themes from our listening campaign

Now that we have listened to over 2500 people across South East London, we know that the main issues affecting people’s ability to thrive are:

  • Housing
  • Migration and Race
  • Work, Wages, and Cost of Living
  • Mental Health and Social Isolation
  • Children, Young People, and Parents

South East London Citizens Community Health Assembly

The South East London Citizens Community Health Assembly took place on the evening of 15 November.

Over 350 south east Londoners came together with leaders from across the NHS and Local Authorities and committed to work together to reduce health inequalities and take action on the issues that affect people’s health and wellbeing. The evening offered the space to share stories that were heard during the listening campaign over the summer and to celebrate achievements and progress. Thank you to those of you who took part in the listening campaign exploring what stops you and your community from thriving.

NHS decision-makers, Anchor Alliance representatives and Local Authority Councillors agreed and signed a pledge board to work together for the wellbeing of all our communities in south east London. The audience also voiced that we all have a role to play to ensure everyone in south east London is able to thrive and everyone shone a light to show their commitment to the pledges. You can read full list of pledges here.

Read more - Community and NHS leaders pledge to tackle health inequalities

Next steps

Insight from the listening campaign was used to inform the pledges on how we can tackle these issues, reduce inequality, and help make South East London a healthier, fairer and more equitable place to live and work. In the next few months we will be working together with our partners and communities in south east London to develop actions and implement the plans to meet our commitments.

Anchor programme working on our commitments We secured funding from Health Education England to focus on co-designing solutions to overcome barriers that underrepresented communities are facing in finding good work within Anchor institutions. We partnered with seven voluntary sector organisations across south east London to support our efforts to reach underrepresented communities and work with them to identify solutions to be feed into programme pledge on reducing barriers to careers in anchor institutions.

  • Lewisham Refugee and Migrant Network
  • Bexley Deaf Centre
  • Bromley DeafPlus
  • Lewisham Speaking Up
  • Ladies Of Virtue Outreach CIC
  • Policy Centre for African Peoples
  • Bromley Third Sector Enterprise and Bromley Mencap

Insight, solutions and outcomes will be feedback here regularly.

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  • What makes it harder for you and your community to thrive?

    about 1 year ago
    Share What makes it harder for you and your community to thrive? on Facebook Share What makes it harder for you and your community to thrive? on Twitter Share What makes it harder for you and your community to thrive? on Linkedin Email What makes it harder for you and your community to thrive? link
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Page last updated: 08 Feb 2024, 09:11 AM