Get involved in our listening campaign and share your views on what makes it harder for you and your community to thrive?
Over the summer 2023 we involved you and other people living in south east London representing our diverse communities to understand the pressures on you and your community. Thank you to everyone involved.
Who we listened to? | ||
People in low paid and precarious work |
Migrants and refugees, people with English as a second language |
Young people |
People with disabilities |
LGBTQ+ community |
Health and care staff |
Carers and lone parents |
Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities |
People directly experiencing injustice |
“What puts pressure on you and your community’s ability to thrive?”
We connected and listened to over 2,500 people across south east London using an extensive set of methods so that we could link up and hear from a diverse group of people. This enabled us to hear about the impact of a range of issues people are currently experiencing.
How we listened?
- Workshops for 50+ people on community organising approaches to listening
- Small group and 1:1 listening with diverse communities (across SEL NHS hospitals - staff, volunteers and service users, Be Well Champions — South London Listens(External link), voluntary and community sector organisations, local community groups such as parents networks, young mum’s groups, faith organisations, universities and schools)
- Virtual listening events open to anyone living in South East London, advertised on social media
- Survey and listening sessions with South East London People’s Panel
- Online chat forum discussion on Let's talk health and care engagement platform
What we heard? - emerging themes from our listening campaign
Now that we have listened to over 2500 people across South East London, we know that the main issues affecting people’s ability to thrive are:
- Housing
- Migration and Race
- Work, Wages, and Cost of Living
- Mental Health and Social Isolation
- Children, Young People, and Parents

Thank you for your contribution!
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