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Your experiences of NHS Perinatal Pelvic Health Services

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Thinking about the care you received from the NHS during your pregnancy


In which hospital are you planning or had your baby?

* required

Were you given information about possible pelvic health problems  (see introduction for examples) at appointments related to your  pregnancy?


Was the information given to you in a way that you could understand?


What is your preferred way to receive information (select all that  apply):


During your pregnancy, how confident were you that you knew the key  symptoms of pelvic health problems?


When you were pregnant, did you know where you could get advice  and support for pelvic health problems if needed?


Were you offered information about things you could do while you  were pregnant to reduce the risk of pelvic health problems (such as  pelvic floor muscle training)?


Based on the information you were given by your NHS maternity team  when you were pregnant, how confident were you performing pelvic  floor muscle training?