Help us to improve services for autistic people in south east London

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We would like to better understand the experiences of autistic people in south east London who access health and social care services. This will help inform the development of current and future services in the area.


The Learning Disability and Autism Programme of the South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) have been undertaking some work mapping services for autistic people across South East London. We have identified some key gaps which are priorities for further service development. We are keen to gather the views of autistic people, and carers of autistic people, to further map services and to understand what services should look like.

How you can get involved?

There are different ways you can participate and share your experience and tell us what you think.

We have developed a questionnaire asking for the views and experiences of autistic people and carers of autistic people.

We are keen to hear from as many autistic people, and their carers living in south east London, as possible.
Please complete our short survey here or by clicking the button below - Take survey.

We would like to invite a group of autistic people, and their carers, to a focus group where we can continue discussions on:

  • how we can ensure we are aware of gaps in services for autistic people
  • how we address these gaps to ensure autistic residents of South East London get their needs met

    Please complete the survey and let us know if you would like to attend a focus group.

Why get involved?

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of services for autistic people in South East London and to tell us what works well, what needs to change and what you need.

If you choose to engage in the focus group your travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Next steps

We are planning to create a task and finish group to focus on developing a new community autism team in South East London. As part of the group we will invite one or two autistic people to join the group and be a key part of the development and design of this new service.

We would like to better understand the experiences of autistic people in south east London who access health and social care services. This will help inform the development of current and future services in the area.


The Learning Disability and Autism Programme of the South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) have been undertaking some work mapping services for autistic people across South East London. We have identified some key gaps which are priorities for further service development. We are keen to gather the views of autistic people, and carers of autistic people, to further map services and to understand what services should look like.

How you can get involved?

There are different ways you can participate and share your experience and tell us what you think.

We have developed a questionnaire asking for the views and experiences of autistic people and carers of autistic people.

We are keen to hear from as many autistic people, and their carers living in south east London, as possible.
Please complete our short survey here or by clicking the button below - Take survey.

We would like to invite a group of autistic people, and their carers, to a focus group where we can continue discussions on:

  • how we can ensure we are aware of gaps in services for autistic people
  • how we address these gaps to ensure autistic residents of South East London get their needs met

    Please complete the survey and let us know if you would like to attend a focus group.

Why get involved?

This is your opportunity to help shape the future of services for autistic people in South East London and to tell us what works well, what needs to change and what you need.

If you choose to engage in the focus group your travel expenses will be reimbursed.

Next steps

We are planning to create a task and finish group to focus on developing a new community autism team in South East London. As part of the group we will invite one or two autistic people to join the group and be a key part of the development and design of this new service.

  • South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) are reviewing the services available for autistic people living in the area (in Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham or Southwark). We know that there are gaps in services and we want to think about what services would fill those gaps. We are conducting a survey to better understand the needs of autistic people living in South East London regarding the services available to them. Your responses will help us identify gaps in current services and shape future services to better meet your needs. Your input is incredibly valuable, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts.

    Please note: You can answer the questions anonymously, and your responses will be confidential. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

    At the start of the survey you will be asked if you are an autistic person or a carer of an autistic person. The survey then splits into different questions about your experiences depending on your choice. If you identify as both an autistic person and a carer, you are encouraged to complete the survey twice to reflect your views on both services for yourself and services for the person you care for.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 30 Jan 2025, 03:49 PM