Name of project: Full title of the project (excluding abbreviations and acronyms) as it will appear on Let’s Talk Health and Care South East London (please keep it short and sweet to concise)
Name of project administrator requesting a project on the platform
Maximum 255 characters
Job title of project administrator requesting a project on the platform
Email address of project administrator requesting a project on the platform
Project information
Please give a short summary of your engagement project
Please tell as which one of the options below best describe the geographical area of your project
Project duration:
Please give an approximate length of time the project will be open on Let’s Talk Health and Care South East London:
Project start date:
Please give a date that you want the project to go live on the platform. We recommend to avoid starting on Friday as some members of the engagement teams do not work every Friday.
Project monitoring:
Please tell us how the responses to your project (surveys, chat forum, etc.) will be monitored on the platform e.g. weekly, fortnightly