Tell us about your health and what’s important to you

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Consultation has concluded

This forum discussion is now closed.

Thank you for taking part in our conversation and helped us to learn from your experience. Your feedback and recommendations about what is important to you contributed to our work of developing the strategic framework for working with people and communities.

You can download and read the ICS working with people and communities strategic framework on our website.

To continue the conversation and help us identify priorities for our health and care in south east London go to the new conversation page: Help us identify priorities for our health and care in south east

This forum discussion is now closed.

Thank you for taking part in our conversation and helped us to learn from your experience. Your feedback and recommendations about what is important to you contributed to our work of developing the strategic framework for working with people and communities.

You can download and read the ICS working with people and communities strategic framework on our website.

To continue the conversation and help us identify priorities for our health and care in south east London go to the new conversation page: Help us identify priorities for our health and care in south east London.

South East London Integrated Care System is a partnership of organisations responsible for providing health and care services. This includes local NHS services, local councils and voluntary and community organisations. Our aim is to keep people well, prevent ill-health and support people to thrive and live healthier lives across Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.

We have committed to working together, combining our staff and resources, and making best use of our funding to improve the health and wellbeing of our residents and communities.

We want to make sure that you as local people, patients and carers and your families are at the heart of all we do, which is why it’s so important to make sure we listen to you and hear your views, experiences and suggestions for change.

Help us to learn from your experience and tell us about your health and what is important to you, so we can work differently.

Your feedback will help us to inform how we shape our priorities and deliver health and care services, to make sure they work for you.

To begin the conversation, please join the Let’s Talk health and care conversation and tell us what you think.

Discussions: All (4) Open (0)
  • What's important to you in looking after you and / or your family's health?

    almost 3 years ago
    Share What's important to you in looking after you and / or your family's health? on Facebook Share What's important to you in looking after you and / or your family's health? on Twitter Share What's important to you in looking after you and / or your family's health? on Linkedin Email What's important to you in looking after you and / or your family's health? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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  • What makes things difficult when looking after yourself, your family and friends’ health and wellbeing?

    almost 3 years ago
    Share What makes things difficult when looking after yourself, your family and friends’ health and wellbeing? on Facebook Share What makes things difficult when looking after yourself, your family and friends’ health and wellbeing? on Twitter Share What makes things difficult when looking after yourself, your family and friends’ health and wellbeing? on Linkedin Email What makes things difficult when looking after yourself, your family and friends’ health and wellbeing? link
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  • What could we do to make things easier for you?

    almost 3 years ago
    Share What could we do to make things easier for you? on Facebook Share What could we do to make things easier for you? on Twitter Share What could we do to make things easier for you? on Linkedin Email What could we do to make things easier for you? link
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

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  • What do we need to do differently to support you to continuing share your experiences and views and be our partner?

    almost 3 years ago
    Share What do we need to do differently to support you to continuing share your experiences and views and be our partner? on Facebook Share What do we need to do differently to support you to continuing share your experiences and views and be our partner? on Twitter Share What do we need to do differently to support you to continuing share your experiences and views and be our partner? on Linkedin Email What do we need to do differently to support you to continuing share your experiences and views and be our partner? link
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